get in touch if you’d like to know more.
MAI is a startup ourselves - and to really get things going we’re looking to get the right people in the Waka. Whether you’re an experienced investor or not, if you’ve got valuable experience, connections or knowledge for early stage companies, and you’re passionate about growing jobs and opportunities for our communities - then get in touch.
We get asked a lot.
Who are Eligible Wholesale Investors?
Eligible Wholesale Investors Are defined as investors who have adequate investing experience and knowledge to be able to weigh the risks and merits of an investment opportunity. They have been involved in investing in companies (on a share market or directly in unlisted companies) or more generally in the buying or selling of financial products.
What defines Wealthy / Finance Professional Wholesale Investors?
In NZ ‘wealthy’ is defined as having $5m in net personal assets (including all entities you control) or having invested $1m or more in a financial product. Professionals working in the finance industry also qualify.
What if I’m neither?
We want to encourage more diversification in investors across age, sex and culture, breaking the stereotypical view of angels that has become ingrained in our regions. By forming a collective we can also allow smaller minimum investments, making angel investing more accessible to a new generation of investor – because there is so much more than money to investing in start-ups, most importantly it’s about the wealth of information, connections and mentoring angels bring to an often isolated founder. So, please sign up anyway and tick Future Investor.
Get in touch with one of the team to help you navigate where you fit in!